ID #1017

Do you have any recommendations about tether selection and use?

Operating Recommendations

  1. Make sure to secure the connections and use the strain relief to avoid separation.
  2. Do not kink the tether or tie it in a knot.
  3. Keep the connectors clean (do not use abrasive cleaner).

Tether Selection

  1. Use the minimum amount of tether to complete the job.
  2. Use Performance Neutral or Standard Neutral closest to the ROV, unless you are working under a hull or in a pipe where floating tether could get snagged.
  3. When operating at a greater distance from the control panel (whether across land or in the water), consider using negative tether connected to the control panel (for better power transmission), and Performance Neutral or Standard Neutral at the ROV (for easier piloting).
  4. When operating at deeper depths, attach a clump weight to the tether to eliminate drift if there is a current.  Make sure to spread the load of the clump weight along a short section of the tether, and do not tie it to one spot.

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