ID #1029

How do I remove or change the logo on the video overlay?

The default VideoRay logo is stored in: C:\Program Files\VideoRay\vrCockpit\, or C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoRay\vrCockpit\ for 64 bit OS systems.  It is named: videoOverlay.png

To remove the logo, rename the file to videoOverlay.bak.

To replace the logo with one of your own choice, create a .png image with the following properties:

Size:  60 X 50 pixels (default - other sizes can be used)

Green (RGB 0,255,0) is used as the transparent color.  If you want the background to show through any area of the logo, paint that section green.  This may cause a problem if green is in the logo.  You may need to shift the color slightly (i.e. RGB 1, 255, 1 or 0, 254, 0).

You can use one of many graphics programs available on the Internet to create or convert  the image file. can be used to create images.  Irfanview can be used to convert images to .png format.

Once you have created your image, rename videoOverlay.png to videoOverlay.bak. Then, copy your image to: C:\Program Files\VideoRay\vrCockpit\ and make sure it is named: videoOverlay.png

The image will automatically be adjusted to 40% transparency when displayed.

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