ID #1123

Why is modular tether important?

  • You can match your tethers to your specific mission requirements - negative to keep away from a hull during hull inspections or to keep the tether away from surface obstructions, Performance for high currents or where you need less drag, Neutral where the more flexible Performance or Negative would be more likely to get snagged (rocky bottom). VideoRay users often combine two tethers to get the optimum configuration.
  • Use only what you need - no need to drag around 1000 feet when you only need a single shorter length.
  • Trouble shooting - when tether gets damaged you can easily swap out tethers to determine which tether or which section is bad.
  • Redundancy - tethers get damaged or totally destroyed. With modular tethers you can swap in a spare and keep working.
  • Easy to extend, modify or use your own cable - simple twisted pair copper wire is used so surface or subsurface extensions can easily be used. Common networking cable CAT-5 can be used to extend all the signals with heavier power conductors.
  • Easy to transport - Allows disconnection anywhere in the chain to run around objects or through windows or portholes.
  • It allows for easy configurations like using negative on the surface between the Tether Management System (TDS) and the control console...
  • Easy to sanitize - Potable water inspection jobs requiring sanitizing the tether is much easier when you can add small sections as required and sterilize as you go.

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