ID #1005

Are there special requirements to take a VideoRay system as normal airline luggage?

We have users that have flown hundreds of times with their VideoRays on commercial airlines all over the world. It is pretty easy as you get more experience.

First check with the airline's web site to see what their weight limits and fees are for checked luggage. All VideoRay cases meet all Airline size restrictions that we are aware of. Pack carefully. Some users will use clothing to cushion parts. We recommend that GTO and Pro 4 nozzles and props be removed to avoid bending shafts, since airline personnel can be very hard on checked luggage, and these are easily removed and replaced on site.

Many VideoRay users carry the control box on. If you do this in the US, be sure to remove the computer before the x-ray machine. The inspectors may ask questions about the box, and ask you to take it apart. Answer their questions, be ready to show them a brochure, and explain that it CAN NOT be taken apart. In our experience, they will let you through. Other countries are similar - generally easier than the US.

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